“I have long dealt with significant lower back pain and KIND helped address the immediate pain, but most importantly gave me the tools to address it in the long term.”
- Tom McNamara
why KIND? why concierge?
KIND is escaping the current healthcare model in how people access PT & Wellness services by bringing services to the client and having an “on-call” team of proactive health advisors. There are fantastic physical therapists, physicians, nurses, healthcare providers, etc. that work in insurance-based clinics. Some of you have insurance plans that would make sense for you to find and utilize those providers. HOWEVER...
For the majority of you, cash-based providers and subscription-based services are likely the way to go if you are steadfast in your goals and a lifestyle that matters to you!
We realize that the concept of cash-based services is scary for some. Believe us, the decision to do this was one that was not taken lightly. Ultimately, the decision to pass up on insurance contracts meant leaving the convenience of a revolving door of patients to instead pursue value-based treatment for our clients.
Concierge practices can give their clients same-day or next-day service, bypassing lengthy wait times, surprise bills, and eliminating the hassle of a referral system. A highly customized experience with personalized care providing maintenance or preventative screening allows for the potential elimination of future ailments and illnesses overall reducing client's healthcare costs and eliminates unneeded testing/procedures. Focused care on a client’s specific condition and goals translates to reduced recovery times, better health, and permanent lifestyle changes.
Concierge providers, like us, have direct access to evaluate and treat the healthcare consumer without cutting corners or remaining at the mercy of insurance payers. We have the ability to be in constant communication with you long term throughout life's changes, and you can easily be scheduled with remote visits and without time restrictions. KIND will serve as your proactive health advisors and determine the appropriate plan of care for you.